
© Instante Fotografia

Singing emotions is my life… Living them intensely allows me to put more realism into what I do. But sometimes I feel I would prefer not to know so much about some feelings. The human being manage to be of atrocious wickedness and many values such as respect for others have been lost; it is no longer a priority to put love in everything in life.

I love what I do: I love my job and I love my life. And it hurts so much when people make other suffer needlessly, gratuitously and with total selfishness.

Let my heart my art keeps showing me that love is above everything! All particles which make the world turn are made of love… the world I idealize and which I intensely desire to become my truth and of those around me.

Life should be a constant act of love, as it is art when lived with total surrender.


Living the dream…

