
Probably one of the most important parameters when it comes to a successful journey, but also one of the most challenging when it comes to the artistic area: CONSISTENCY.

Emotions dictate, many times, many questions and uncertainties come to our minds compromising the determination which characterizes us when choosing this profession.

I receive outburst messages, requests for guidance, attempts to understand how to face periods like this pandemic in a more proactive way … and the truth is that everything is part of it. Let us accept the less good days, accept doubts, accept the growth this brings us.

And right after that it is important to refocus and understand what moves us in reality … and I bet everyone’s answer is: LOVE to this very beautiful Art and everything it represents.

Therefore, with a focus on that, let us seek consistency in our commitment so that, at any time, we can return to the stage with the same focus and dedication as always.

There are days that will be easier than others, but so far we can find answers there too…

I believe that for many who are not in the field it is difficult to understand the double feeling of impotence and loss that we experience: the lack of work and the lack of stage (and no, they are not the same; even if our work is on stage 😉) . And it can not be explained … just felt. ❤


Just because…