On the occasion of the celebrations of the 500th anniversary of the death of João Roiz de Castelo Branco, João Roiz Ensemble and Câmara Municipal de Castelo Branco made a collection of scores of Portuguese composers whose music had a bearing on the famous "Cantiga partindo-se" by the 16th-century poet. To these works were added four new creations, composed as a request from Município de Castelo Branco, elaborated on the referred text, as well as on the poem by António Salvado with the same title, which glosses the Renaissance Song.

Thus, the intention was to contribute to the appreciation of the historical and cultural heritage through new contemporary creation, in a constant concern to maintain a lively dialogue between the old and the new, between the local and the universal. The program, with several modern first hearings and absolute premieres, was presented at the Centro de Cultura Contemporânea de Castelo Branco in December 2015, in a concert included in the celebrations of the 500th anniversary of the death of João Roiz de Castelo Branco.

Cantiga sua partindo-se | César Viana

[more audios available on YouTube]



Soprano: Marina Pacheco

Violin: Vasken Fermanian

Violin: João Mendes

Viola: João Pedro Delgado

Cello: Ricardo Mota

Clarinet: Pedro Ladeira

Clarinet: David Machado

Guitar: Miguel Carvalhinho

Contrabass: Fernando Silva

Transverse Flute: Manuel Luís Cochofel

Edition: Câmara Municipal de Castelo Branco´

Recordings: Seminário de Alcains | Castelo Branco 2006

United Studios Multimedia Collective

Design: Jorge Portugal

With the support of


RTP - Antena 2

Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto

Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

Thanks to: Dr Luís Correia, Prof. Fernando Raposo, Carlos Semedo, Padre Castanheira , Prof. José Raimundo, José Mesquita Lopes




Canções de Lemúria (2013)